Importance of Biodiversity – What is Our Role

Biodiversity is not the same for all given ecosystems, and is highly important to preserve biodiversity in many ecosystems as possible. Biodiversity isn’t something we should be messing with as today’s biodiversity is the result of 4 billion years of evolution of many species and thing is sure – nature always knows best because unlike humans nature has all the time of the world which gives nature necessary experience to make things as they should really be and not to mess it up all the time like we do.

Biodiversity isn’t just some strange word we tend to take so easily. Biodiversity also provides food for us since we use at least 40,000 species of plants and animals a day. And as we all know we are all connected in one food chain and therefore we’re all required for the proper functioning of this food chain. If biodiversity takes heavy loss, so will the food chain and on the end so will we because humans are only one small part of this food chain.

The connection of so many living species is very complex but still based on one very simple rule: “all species are required”. This connection and dependence between species is in fact the basic principle for survival of all life on Earth. All animal and plant species are required, and each one of these species has its particular role that makes this nature system so perfect and yet so simple. Or it was so simple until humans with their “know all attitude” started making changes in something that was functioning with such a perfection.

Yet again we took the wrong role as leaders and we fail to see that the lead role should only be reserved for nature while we should only fill the role of nature’s trusted sidekick since we have (or should have) enough brains to help the nature. Despite our brains we still seem to be constantly making the wrong decisions that result with serious negative consequences. With so many endangered animals and destruction of many of their habitats biodiversity could easy lose its backbone and this could mean serious change for all life on Earth.

It is therefore vital to preserve this connection between so many species, even more we should highlight the most affected ecosystems and species that live in these ecosystems and help them. Humans need other species to survive and this planet isn’t only ours although destiny of this planet is (unfortunately) only in our hands.

And with such power there is also the great responsibility and preservation of biodiversity is more than good test to show us just how responsible we really are.